To promote the shared commitment of American Hindus to continually strengthen our American republic
The American Hindu Coalition (AHC) is a nonpartisan advocacy organization that

Promotes the Interests
of American Hindus and Americans who subscribe to Hindu enlightenment principles in the field of politics, public policy, legislation, and regulation

Builds Public Awareness
of the issues facing American Hindus and Americans who subscribe to Hindu enlightenment principles

Upholds the Shared
commitment of American Hindus for a more prosperous, safer, and a stronger America through a limited government and a strong national defense platform.
AHC will host a series of conferences, interactive work-shops, grassroots and media events to engage the public at large. We will undertake issue-advocacy as well as public discourse with a unique voice and innovative solutions, guided by Hindu enlightenment principles, which not only inspired America’s Founding Fathers, but also serve as the underpinning of the Constitution of the United States and American governance.
Issues Platform & Advocacy Agenda
- America first economic success
- Protection and full support for first amendment religious liberties
- Preserve traditional family values and support for parental control of education
- Strengthen small business growth through tax and regulatory relief
- A military that adheres to the doctrine of “peace through strength”
- Effective and enforceable border security
- Foster stronger economic, trade, and security partnership with America’s natural ally – India